Winter Wedding

hello my readers! i’ve been slightly delayed in posting due to an extremely busy wedding and dancing schedule, but i wanted to let you know what i’ve been up to! below are some instagram photos of brooke and jeff’s amazing wedding last weekend in denver, colorado (do you remember this sweet couple from here?). yes, my obsession with instagram continues. for completely random photos with tidbits of fashion thrown in, follow me on instagram– @natalieallison. it was truly one of the most beautiful weddings i’ve ever attended, but what was even more special was witnessing the powerful love between these two. i don’t think there was a dry eye at the wedding. the love brooke and jeff share is really special and very apparent to all. i was honored to share such a beautiful reading at the wedding (and so relieved that i didn’t mess up!) and to be brooke’s personal attendant during the getting ready process (which was a blast!). we were spoiled rotten by brooke, including being treated to hair and makeup at the brown palace hotel spa. it was such a wonderful weekend in denver, and i love re-living it through these photos…

“you’re just too good to be true… can’t take my eyes off you…” — frankie valli

1. traveling matte gray nails (OPI french quarter for your thoughts) and jewels (including my favorite leather wrap bow bracelet from piper)
2. adorable gift boxes for the guests (stocked with monogrammed chapstick, matches, ornaments, and even snacks that represented the couple)
3. the spread at the brown palace hotel high tea– such a lovely tradition
4. chandelier and decor in the brown palace hotel lobby
5. with my darling friends from law school (3/4 of “the unicorn club”) before the rehearsal
6. stila palette, one of our generous gifts from brooke for being a part of her big day
7. what i wore to the wedding– dress: piper, lace tights: zara, shoes: nine west, jewelry: charlotte russe, michael kors, jcrew, american eagle, clutch: michael kors, jacket: bcbg
8. champagne toast to the new couple!
9. the blissful bride with her bubbles
10. place setting at the wedding with special touches
11. the ecstatic couple (with paige, brooke’s sister and maid of honor)
12. table markers featuring engagement photos (styled by me!)

my sweet friend laura (who is always one step ahead of everyone else with being in-the-know regarding our favorite celebrities) found this photo of pippa middleton in the same anthropologie dress i wore to the rehearsal! we styled the dress completely differently (i paired mine with very opaque black tights and these giles deacon for nine west booties, leaving the shift dress loose rather than belted)… dare i ask “who wore it better?”

i couldn’t be more happy for brooke and jeff, and i thank them from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of their wedding weekend. we all felt so special thanks to all the heartfelt touches from the incredibly giving couple and their welcoming families. it was certainly a weekend we will never forget. wishing brooke and jeff every happiness– they deserve it!
xoxo natalie

One Comment to “Winter Wedding”

  1. Dare you ask? You, my sweet, darling friend, definitely wore the dress better!!! I am basing this on the simple fact that pretty much every guy at the rehearsal AND wedding who was single asked me for your name, story, and number ;) Thank you again for being a part of Jeff and I’s wedding. You are truly amazing! I don’t know what I would have done without you helping me tie the knot (both the bow on my wedding dress and getting me over the broom:)). xoxoxo

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