Happy Friday! {Winner Announced}

photo by cassondra of sammy and me photography

happy friday everyone! i’m so thrilled to announce that megan k. is the winner of the engagement photo styling session– congratulations my dear! i’ll be contacting you soon to set up a time to get together. i can’t wait to work with you!

don’t the “brides” in this photo look so happy, just laughing and enjoying themselves? that’s how a bride should feel on her wedding day– relaxed, joyous, and living in the moment. even though a lot of stress surrounds the planning of a wedding, creating a memorable day full of personal touches doesn’t have to put you over the edge. the important thing is finding the right professionals to work with you, who can help you bring your vision to life and take some (if not all) the stress away so you can enjoy the planning process as much as possible and revel in the joy of your day. that’s what the lovestruck event is all about. follow along as the vendors are introduced here so you can think about whether these are professionals you might want involved in your wedding. i encourage all brides-to-be who are curious to get a ticket or two (one for your fiancé!) and come explore how fun and inspiring wedding planning can be, without all of the stress that is usually associated with it. if you’re considering hiring a stylist to help you and your wedding party decide on wardrobe for the big day, please stop by and visit me! i so look forward to meeting you there.

i’m off to san francisco for a bachelorette weekend with my college friends! i’ll be instagramming the trip away (follow me @ natalieallison), so look for a recap next week. i am so excited to get to know the city and spend the weekend with my dear friends. a special thank you to alicia of cheetah is the new black and natalie of the haute housewife for all of the recommendations– i’ve never been so prepared for a trip in my life and can’t thank you enough!

have a wonderful weekend!
xoxo natalie

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